최근 검색어 전체 삭제


On Imageries of Father in Korean Postwar Novels

父亲是文学作品中一个非常常见的意象。现代精神分析学家拉康认为“父亲是一种 隐喻”,具有象征意义。本文即从拉康的理论入手,以韩国战后小说中出现的父亲意 象为分析对象,具体分析了作品中真实存在的父亲意象和缺失的父亲意象。通过分析 发现,韩国战后小说中出现的父亲意象通常是否定的或负面的,而且更多的小说直接 回避了父亲的存在,也没有父亲的象征意象,即“父亲之名”。 可见战争对韩国社会造成了翻天覆地的变化,摧毁了父亲所象征的法律和秩序,使 人们的价值观遭到破坏。而如何构建父亲权威,重建社会秩序,便成为一个非常重要 的课题。

Father is a very common literary imagery. Modern psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan considered “father as a metaphor” with symbolic significance. Based on the theories of Lacan, taking the imageries of father in Korean postwar novels as study objects, a detailed analysis has been made on the real-existing father imageries as well as the missing ones. It is found that the father imageries in Korean postwar novels generally are negative, and even more novels evade a direct presence of father or the symbolic imagery of father, i.e. “the name of the father”. It is visible that war has brought Korean society enormous changes, destroying the law and order embodied by father and people’s values . How to build the authority of the father and rebuild the social order has become a very important issue.

一. 引言

二. 战后小说中的父亲意象研究

三. 父亲意象的文化意义分析

四. 结语
