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통번역교육연구 제21권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

한영 통번역을 위한 미국영어 형태 고찰(考察)

A Study on American English for Korean-English Interpretation and Translation: Focusing on Early American Settlers’ English Expressions

DOI : 10.23903/kaited.2023.21.2.007
  • 15

The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of modern American English from the historical background, to analyze the metaphors of Native Americans that have arisen in the process of language creation, and to be a study that can be applied to English learners, English educators, and the field of interpretation and translation. Conducting in-depth research by exploring and analyzing the original English that is currently used in the United States is English that was transformed and created by the early settlers under the influence of the natives. Considering that it is handed down and accepted as a language, it is necessary to remember it sufficiently for learners learning English, English educators, and various people engaged in interpretation and translation. Therefore, this study is a very valuable study for English educators and learners, and various occupational groups engaged in translation and interpretation, by providing guidance and research results on the history of the origin and derivation of American English, the world's official language. It is expected that the significance of the study has been

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 미국 영어의 다양한 표현 분석

Ⅳ. 분석 및 결론

