최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『五行大義』의 五行 배속 고찰

A Study on assignment of the five elements of Wuxingdayi(五行大義): Focusing on the five flavors, five colors and five tones

DOI : 10.55793/jkhc.2023.16.135
  • 108

隋代의 蕭吉이 지은 『五行大義』는 당시까지 남아있던 五行에 관련된 전적들을 모아 찬술한 책으로, 인체의 오장육부를 비롯해 곤충에 이르기까지 만물을 五行에 배속하여, 여러 분야에서 광범위하게 그것을 활용하고자 했다. 본문에서는 五行의 원시적인 배속 가운데 여러 문헌에 공통으로 나타나는 五味·五色·五聲에 대해 『五行大義』를 중심으로 고찰하되, 戰國시기 이후 본격적으로 陰陽五行說을 다루기 시작한 『管子』와 秦代의 『呂氏春秋』, 漢代의 『淮南 子』·『 春秋繁露』·『 白虎通義』에 나타난 五行 배속도 함께 살펴보았다. 五味에 대해서 『五行大義』와 비교 문헌 모두 木은 酸(신맛)·火는 苦(쓴맛)·土는 甘(단맛)·金은 辛(매운맛)·水는 鹹(짠맛)으로 배속했다. 五色에 관하여『五行大義』는 五正色과 五間色을 나누어 배속한다. 正色의 木은 靑·火는 赤·土는 黃·金은 白·水는 黑으로 배속하고, 間色의 木은 綠(靑+黃)·火는 紅(赤 +白)·土는 驪黃(黃+黑)·金은 縹(白+靑)·水는 紫(黑+赤)로 배속한다. 間色의배속은 相剋 관계로 이루어졌으며, 天干合을 이용해 배속 원인을 설명한 것이특징이다. 『五行大義』는 여러 문헌을 인용하여 五聲을 宮(土)·商(金)·角(木)·徵 (火)·羽(水)로 배속하는데, 비교 문헌 중 『管子』만이 徵聲과 羽聲을 각각 水 와 火로 다르게 배속했다. 소리를 통해 善政 여부를 파악할 수 있고, 曆法과時令의 근간이 음률이며, 이는 곧 五聲으로부터 나온 것임을 설명했다.

Wuxingdayi(五行大義), written by So-gil of Su-Dynasty, is a book that collects and describes the records related to the five elements that remained until that time, everything, from the five intestines of the human body to insects, was assigned to the five elements, and it was intended to be widely used in various fields. In the text, the five flavors, five colors, and five tones that appear in common in various literature among the primitive classes of five elements are considered, focusing on 『Wuxingdayi(五行大義)』, also looked at the assignment of the five elements that appeared in 『Gwanja』, Jin Dynasty's 『YeoCiChunchu』, Han Dynasty’s 『Hui NamNa』, 『Chunchuburn-ro』, and 『 Baekho Tongui』, which began to deal with the Yinyang Five Elements theory in earnest after the Warring States Period. For the five flavors, both the 『Wuxingdayi』 and the comparative literature assigned as sour taste for trees, bitter taste for fire, sweet taste for earth, spicy taste for gold, and salty taste for water. The five flavors emphasized that it is inseparable from diet, and that the energy of the five elements that is lacking should be supplemented through diet. Regarding the five colors, 『Wuxingdayi』 assigned by dividing the five genuine colors and the five mixed colors. For the genuine colors, it was assigned as blue for trees, red for fire, yellow for earth, white for gold, and black for water, for the mixed colors, as green (blue+yellow) for trees, as pink for fire (red+white), as olive (yellow+black) for earth, as sky blue (white+blue) for gold, and as purple(black+red) for water. The assignment of the mixed color was made up of a superpolar relationship, and it is characterized by explaining the cause of the assignment using the clues for the combination of the ten celestial stems. Citing various documents, 『Wuxingdayi』 assigned the five tones with Gung (Earth), Sang (Gold), Gak (Tree), Chi (Fire), and Woo (Water), and only 『Gwanja』 assigned Chi and Woo differently, respectively. It was explained that the selection can be determined through sound, and that the basis of the calendar and the seasonal ordinances is the melody, which comes from the five tones. In short, if the assignment of the five elements for the five flavors and the five colors is related to physical health, it can be said that the assignment of five tones is related to politics.

1. 머리말

2. 五行과 五味

3. 五行과 五色

4. 五行과 五聲

5. 맺음말
