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한국중동학회논총 제44권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Examining Multiculturalism in Jerusalem

Examining Multiculturalism in Jerusalem

DOI : 10.23015/kames.2023.44.2.002
  • 2

This study examines multiculturalism as a strategic approach that formulates policies to address the challenges posed by cultural diversity in communities seeking to integrate these diverse groups into society without imposing assimilation into the dominant culture. Taking Jerusalem as a case study due to its rich multicultural composition, this research explores the extent to which multiculturalism is manifested in a city renowned for its global cultural significance. The study delves into the contemporary societal context of Jerusalem, examining the present status of its diverse cultures and ethnicities. Through this investigation, attention is drawn to the degree of acknowledgment and inclusivity extended to minority cultures within Jerusalem's predominant political and cultural framework. To accomplish this objective, the study examines key indicators of multicultural policy implementation in Jerusalem including the legal affirmation, adopting multicultural education, and providing a multicultural representation in mass media. The findings reveal a prevalent deficiency in the practical application of multicultural policies within the city, attributed in part to the persistent political unrest stemming from the Israeli occupation and the longstanding Arab-Jewish conflict.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. The Roots of Multiculturalism in Jerusalem

Ⅲ. Multiculturalism in Jerusalem Today

Ⅳ. Conclusion

