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KCI등재후보 학술저널

고농도 불소함유 산업폐수 처리를 위한 불화칼슘 결정화 최적조건 도출

Estimation of optimal conditions for crystallization of calcium fluoride for treatment of high-concentration fluorine-containing industrial wastewater

DOI : 10.31613/ceramist.2023.26.3.02
  • 39

This study attempted to utilize fluidized bed reactor for fluoride removal and CaF₂ purity from the industrial wastewater including high concentration of fluoride ion. Effects of HRT, pH, Ca²⁺ amount and seed height were investigated through lab-scale batch and continuous experiments. Considering fluoride removal efficiently and CaF₂ purity that HRT 5hr, pH6, seed height of 50 cm, [Ca²⁺]/[F-](mol/mol) ratio of 0.55 were found to be optimum. Correspondingly, removal fluoride was 82.5%, with a CaF₂ the crystallization rate of 95.1%, respectively. The results of continuous experiment showed that with pellet as CaF₂, fluoride concentration can be stably reduced to less than 45mg/L in effluent from the influent 300mg/L on average. HR-XRD analysis showed that the crystalline structure of crystals was mainly CaF₂.

1. 서론

2. 실험방법

3. 결과 및 고찰

4. 결론


