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슬라브어 연구 제28권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 가공 동사 그룹의 의미 분석과 유형화

Semantic Analysis and Typology of Russian Material Processing Verb Group

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2023.28.2.83
  • 6

In Russian, the class of verbs that express physical impact on objects stands out as the one exhibiting actionality meanings most distinctly. While there are differences in classification among scholars, based on behavioral characteristics, these verbs can be broadly divided into two categories: creation and destruction. Furthermore, they can be further categorized into sub-groups, including contact, position change, removal (cleaning), processing, creation, damage, destruction, and separation. The verbs that indicate the material processing of the object dealt with in this paper primarily emphasize actions aimed at functionalizing the object in the future. Whenever a material processing action is applied to an object, its state is invariably altered in the direction desired by the Agent. However, when considering verb groups associated with creation or destruction, they are assumed to represent the final stages of an object's transformation. This sets apart the actions signified by material processing verbs, as they are specifically oriented towards productive or constructive outcomes, as desired by the speaker or Agent. The act of destroying an object causes a qualitative change in the object, ultimately resulting in the creation of a new one. Hence, the material processing verb group plays a pivotal role as a semantic bridge, connecting the two extremes of destruction and creation, exhibiting multifaceted characteristics that are seldom found in other lexical semantic groups. Consequently, it becomes crucial to closely examine this group among the various classes of physical action verbs.

1. 서론

2. 가공 동사에 관한 기존의 연구

3. 가공 동사 그룹의 유형화

4. 가공 동사 그룹과 다른 어휘 의미 그룹과의 교차

5. 결론

