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KCI등재 학술저널

Концепт «Грех» в русской языковой ментальности - фреймовый подход

The concept of «Sin» in the Russian language mentality (frame approach)

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2023.28.2.107
  • 2

In the article, the concept of «Sin» is subjected to a comprehensive study and description, which is the ethical dominant of the Russian religious and Orthodox picture of the world, which determines the most important, spiritual and value sphere of the people's worldview, as well as its linguistic representation. Using the method of linguistic modeling, we have constructed a frame structure that represents the concept of «Sin» in both religious and everyday types of consciousness frame. The semantic structure of the concept «Sin» was presented graphically, in the form of diagrams. On the basis of Russian phraseological units, using component analysis, semantic features, motivating features and motivating factors for the functioning of the frame «Sin» were determined. The frame structure of Russian proverbs with the lexeme «Sin» was developed, one of the criteria of cultural significance of which is the frame nature of their semantics, due to their ability to reflect generalized situations. The results of the study can be used in special courses on cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology and lexicology, as well as in a practical course of the Russian language.

1. Введение

2. Компонентный анализ словарных значений лексемы «Грех» на основеразличных лексикографических источников

3. Фреймовое моделирование концепта «Грех»

4. Фреймовое моделирование ФЕ с компонентом «Грех»

5. Фреймовое моделирование паремий с компонентом «Грех»

6. Заключение

