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슬라브어 연구 제28권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아 문예이론과 웹툰 언어

Russian Literary Theory and Webtoon Language: Focusing on Sergei Eisenstein’s Theory

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2023.28.2.199
  • 34

This paper is an attempt to apply the main concepts of Russian film theorist and director Sergei Eisenstein's film theory to the analysis of webtoon language. Webtoons are currently the most popular pop culture genre and the most useful cultural content for OSMU (one source multi-use). Webtoons, which overcome the expressive limitations of existing published comics by utilizing digital devices, are representative content that is currently being used as the source content for numerous dramas. Due to the nature of the medium as a digital visual text, the language of webtoons is similar to the language of movies in many aspects. Therefore, attempts to analyze webtoons focusing on film language will have certain academic significance. Among film languages and theories, I believe that Eisenstein's theory can be a useful method for analyzing webtoons as potential audiovisual texts, and I would like to present the beginnings of this in this paper. This paper's attempt to utilize Eisenstein's theory in webtoon analysis is still in its early stages, and the analysis discussed in this paper does not deviate from the review format. Despite these limitations, it is believed that applying Eisenstein's theory, which holds a significant position in film history, to webtoon analysis will be an opportunity to prove the universality and expandability of Russian literary theory.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 에이젠슈테인의 이론을 토대로 한 웹툰 분석

3. 맺는 말

