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슬라브어 연구 제28권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Графодеривация как способ образования окказиональных инноваций в газетном и рекламном дискурсах

Grapho-derivation as a method of forming occasional innovations in newspaper and advertising discourses

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2023.28.2.219
  • 7

This article is devoted to the description of occasional word formation in the language of the modern press and advertising on the example of recent innovations formed with the help of graphic derivation as well as highlighting a popular set of word-formation techniques that are part of the specified word-formation method, which is used by journalists and advertisers to create a language game. The object of our study was occasional graphic innovations formed with the help of different types of graphic derivation. Graph derivatives are registered in certain contextual conditions and are not widely used, therefore most of them are occasional, non-codified, invariant, they lack an ideal generalized form. The active formation of new models of graphic derivatives indicates a certain productivity of this class of nominative-expressive units in the modern Russian language. The usage of graph derivatives in newspaper discourse and advertising makes possible to double the meaning of newspaper and advertising texts, increasing their capacity. Among the methods of graphic derivation, a significant role is played by the creation of occasionalisms with a graphically marked segment, various paragraphemic elements (single quotation marks, parentheses (brackets), punctuation marks, strikethroughs, money symbols, etc.). The use of occasional words formed as a result of graphic derivation in newspaper headlines, texts, slogans gives the texts a playful beginning, draws the attention of readers to various key Russian and foreign socio-political events, as well as to the advertised goods. Collected and analyzed material can be useful in Russian language classes in the study of word formation in both Russian and foreign audiences, as well as in some master's and postgraduate courses.

1. Введение

2. Виды и подвиды графодеривации

3. Заключение

