The article is devoted to one of the topical issues of teaching Russian as a foreign language - a game method as a means of activating learning the basics of Russian speech communicative behavior in a Korean audience. Games help to increase the interest of Korean students in those aspects of the language that are of particular difficulty for them. Many games are a collective form of work, which significantly increases the volume of students' speech activity and helps to overcome the fear of making a mistake. Role-playing games bring the process of learning a foreign language closer to reality, thereby forming students' motivation necessary for the successful development of oral speech. A big role in the use of games in the educational process belongs to the teacher, who is the main initiator of the game and its performer. The article presents various methods of working with students using various games, a set of gaming activities aimed at developing communicative competence. The types of games are revealed on specific examples of communicative situations with the involvement of the necessary language material and prepared taking into account the national specifics of the audience, in our case the Korean one. A stable combination and application of consistent game methods contributes to the creation of a productive structure of the educational process aimed at developing students' conscious speech production and the ability to consciously construct speech acts with the active use of passive vocabulary and its increase. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the presented game methodology, which allows the formation of stable and dynamic communicative and speech skills and abilities, can be used in teaching Russian as a foreign language in a foreign language environment in order to update and optimize the educational process.
1. Введение
2. Дидактические игры
3. Дидактические игры на занятиях в корейской аудитории
4. Заключение