Development and Application of Agro-Healing Program to Promote Cognitive Health of the Elderly
Development and Application of Agro-Healing Program to Promote Cognitive Health of the Elderly
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제26권 제5호
- 2023.10
- 523 - 534 (12 pages)
Background and objective: This study aimed to develop agro-healing program to enable the elderly to improve cognitivehealth, and to determine impacts on cognitive, emotional, and physical function through applying the program to seniorsat welfare facilities. Methods: The agro-healing program was developed in consultation with experts on material selection, activity types,physical exercises, and evaluation methods. The program was conducted for seniors who used Jeonju Y Senior WelfareCenter from May to August 2022. The total of 19 participants in the program were divided into 9 in the control group and10 in the experimental group.A agro-healing program with 12 activities was given to the experimental group. As a pre- andpost-test, the results of a cognitive screening test, short form of geriatric depression scale, and physical fitness test forthe elderly were compared. For the experimental group, their activity preference was surveyed. The results were analyzedusing SAS 9.4. Results: The agro-healing program to promote cognitive health did not show significant results in terms of differences inmean scores for cognitive, emotional, and physical area between the control and experimental groups in the pre- andpost-test. However, through this study, it was found that the subjects preferred interesting activities with work stagesusing plants. Conclusion: A cognitive health promotion program for the elderly was developed and applied. Although the effectivenessof program was not proven, it is expected that activities preferred by the elderly can be used as basic data in agro-healingprograms for the cognitive health of the elderly.
Research Methods
Results and Discussion