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수산과학연구소 논문집 제31권 제2호.jpg

수입 관상어 파하카복 (Tetraodon lineatus)의 내부 골격 및 형태 특징

Morphological and Osteological Characteristics of Imported Aquarium Fish, Tetraodon lineatus

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2022.31.2.2
  • 14

Tetraodon lineatus specimens were provided from the Native Fish Business Center and transported to the laboratory for observing the external morphological and osteological characteristics. The number of dorsal, pectoral, anal, and caudal fins was counted, and sketched the skeleton. The osteological characteristics of T. lineatus consisted of 13 bone fragments, and the jaw bone consisted of the premaxillary, maxillary, dentary, angular, and articular. The suspensorium was composed of the palatine, ectopterygoid, ectopterygoid, metapterygoid, quadrate, symplectic, hyomandibular, preopercle, opercle, subopercle, and interopercle. The hyoid arch was composed of the hypohyal, ceratohyal, epihyal, branchiostegal rays. There were six branchiostegal rays, the first of which was significantly developed. The shoulder girdle region consisted of the clavicle, coracoid, actinost, scapular, and postclavicle. The vertebrae consisted of 19 pieces, the interneural processes were 11 pieces (6*2212121), and the interhemal processes were five pieces.

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