OpenFoam을 이용한 월파량 추산 재현성 연구
A Study on the Reproducibility of Overtopping using OpenFoam
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제32권 제1호
- 2023.02
- 31 - 36 (6 pages)
Recently, wave conditions, which are a major factor affecting the stability of structures, are increasing in scale and strength, and in order to prevent safety accidents caused by high wave inundation and prepare for damage to structures, high accuracy wave estimation and overtopping prediction considering site characteristics and use of sites behind structures are required. In this study, numerical model and hydraulic experiments are conducted to prevent safety accidents caused by overtopping, and the results of overtopping rate estimation are compared and examined to confirm the reproducibility of overtopping prediction using numerical model. Confirm the reproducibility of overtopping predictions, numerical model, hydraulic experiments, and EurOtop (2018) were compared, and it was studied that the results of numerical model experiments that reproduced the same topography of the front of the structure were distributed similarly to the results of hydraulic experiments.
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