드론 원격탐사와 수심자료를 활용한 잘피 서식지 분포 특성
Distribution of Seagrass Habitat Using Drone and Bathymetric Data: Application to Haenam Peninsula
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제32권 제1호
- 2023.02
- 37 - 42 (6 pages)
In June 2020, remote sensing survey using drones was conducted to identify the geomorphologic distribution characteristics of seagrass habitats distributed in Haenam peninsula. It was confirmed that the seagrass habitat was distributed in Hwawon-myeon, Munnae-myeon, and Songji-myeon in an area of 1.59059 km2. As a result of analyzing the bathymetric contour line and slope using grided sounding data to understand the geomorphologic distribution characteristics (sea-floor topography, bathymetry, slope, and sediment type) of the seagrass habitat, it was confirmed that zS (silty sand) and sZ (sandy silt) were dominant within - 15.5 m of maximum depth and 4.66 degree. These results will be useful data for selecting suitable sites for seagrass transplantation in the future.
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