최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Education and Teaching 제1권 제5호.jpg


Effect of College Students’ Smartphone Dependence on Academic Engagement against The Background of Digital Transformation: Mediating Roles of Resilience and Delay of Gratification

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2023.1.5.15
  • 40

本研究采用大学生手机成瘾倾向量表、大学生学习投入量表、心理弹性量表简版和延迟满足量表对610 名大学生施测,旨在考察数字化转型背景下大学生手机依赖对学习投入的影响,以及心理弹性和延迟满足在其中的中介作用。研究发现:大学生手机依赖、学习投入、心理弹性与延迟满足两两显著相关;心理弹性和延迟满足分别在手机依赖与学习投入之间起中介作用;心理弹性和延迟满足在大学生手机依赖和学习投入间起链式中介作用。手机依赖不仅可以直接影响大学生的学习投入,还可以通过心理弹性和延迟满足间接影响大学生的学习投入。

This study tested 610 college students using the mobile phone addiction tendency scale, the college student learning engagement scale, the simplified version of the psychological resilience scale, and the delayed gratification scale. The aim was to examine the impact of mobile phone dependence on learning engagement among college students in the context of digital transformation, as well as the mediating role of psychological resilience and delayed gratification. Research has found that there is a significant correlation between mobile phone dependence, learning engagement, psychological resilience, and delayed gratification among college students; Psychological resilience and delayed gratification respectively mediate the relationship between mobile phone dependence and learning engagement; Psychological resilience and delayed gratification play a chain mediating role between mobile phone dependence and learning engagement among college students. Mobile phone dependence not only directly affects the learning engagement of college students, but also indirectly affects their learning engagement through psychological resilience and delayed gratification.

Ⅰ. 问题提出

Ⅱ. 文献综述

Ⅲ. 研究方法

Ⅳ. 研究结果

Ⅴ. 讨论

Ⅵ. 结论与建议
