최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국어 연결어미 ‘-다가’의 교육 내용 연구

Description of Korean Connective ‘-daga’ for KFL Education: Focusing its aspectual meaning and verb constraint

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This study aims to describe Korean connectives ‘-daga’ considering its aspectual meaning and verb constraint. Through searching ‘-daga’ in Korean modern novel corpus, we concluded that ‘-daga’s core meaning is ‘event transition’ and by its aspectual meaning, it has a verb constraint that only combines with verbs which event maintains some duration of time. Furthermore it founded somewhat preference of verbs that combines ‘-at/etdaga’ or ‘-daga’ by its event construction. To teach ‘-daga’, we suggest that focusing the core meaning, ‘transition of events’ and presenting that the transition occurs from continuous event or state to other event or state. Also, ‘-daga’s further meaning, ‘transition to an accidental result’ can be taught with a relation to this core meaning. For the verb constraint, we can present it implicitly by controlling input like example sentences.

1. 서론

2. 관련 선행 연구

3. 말뭉치에서 ‘-다가’와 관련 표현의 사용

4. ‘-다가’의 선행 용언 제약

5. ‘-다가’의 의미기능과 선행 용언 제약에 대한 교육 내용

6. 결론

참고 문헌
