This study aims to analyse previous research on discourse and pragmatics in Teaching Korean as a Second Language. 294 studies on the education of discourse, pragmatics, and speech acts published in 7 major journals, and academic dissertations in the field of Teaching Korean as a Second Language made up this study. This research was analysed based on topic and chronology. 15 research topics in discourse category, 8 in pragmatics category, and 11 in speech acts category were discovered in this study. 66% of all the research in these three categories were studied during the past 6 years, 2006~2011. The number of research topics were increased from 22 to 32 in the past 7 years(2005~2011). Politeness(36), discourse markers(28) and interlanguage speech acts(27) were the 3 most frequent research topics in the previous studies.
1. 서론
2. 관련 분야 연구 성과 분석
3. 진단과 연구 방향성 모색
4. 결론
참고 문헌