최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국어와 중국어의 요청 화행 대조 연구

A Contrastive Study of Request Speech Acts in Korean and Chinese

  • 9

The request speech act is a face-threatening act of a listener, thus it is necessary to understand the expressions of request speech act favored by Koreans and Chinese for maintaining a healthy relationship. Most existing studies on request speech act have so far focused mainly on its implementation strategy rather than on its actual expressions. Against this backdrop, this study classifies those expressions of Korean and Chinese request speech acts into the expression based on discourse situation and the expression based on comprehensive request and then conducts a contrastive analysis of their form, meaning, and mood. According to the study, the question about possibility is the most preferred expression in both Korean and Chinese request speech acts. More specifically, Koreans favored the expression of “-을 수 있을까요”, while Chinese preferred the expression of “能...吗”. In addition, with explicit demand and request for approval being frequently used in both Korean and Chinese request speech acts, Korean speech act of request preferred explicit demand than request for approval while Chinese speech act of request favored request for approval than explicit demand. When it comes to the mood of request speech act, both Korean and Chinese request speech acts preferred an interrogative sentence, an imperative sentence, and a declarative sentence in order of frequency, but they showed a difference in specific usage portion of each sentence. Collectively, these results might be useful to speech act teaching in both Korean and Chinese language education.

1. 머리말

2. 이론적 배경과 선행연구

3. 연구방법

4. 한·중 요청 화행 대조 분석

5. 맺음말

