최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Sience Vol.11 No.1.jpg

A study of Clan-based Offences and Their Governance from a Cultural Perspective

A study of Clan-based Offences and Their Governance from a Cultural Perspective

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.11.1.13

Deformed clan culture is the influential factor of collective corruption, group fighting, clan evil force and so on. Moreover, it may also cause problems such as destroying rural autonomy, hindering criminal investigation, illegal criminal private settlement criminal, etc. However, clan culture has two sides, which can produce moral introduction, condense criminal struggle consciousness, improve governance standard system and so on. Historical research has found that the governance effects produced by clan culture are strongly correlated with the state's treatment of clans. Clan culture may have a two way affects both in crime and crime governance, and it needs to be adjusted in the context of modern rule of law. Clan culture should be guided towards benign development, avoiding cultural conflict and promoting benign interaction between State law, State subjects and clan norms and organizations, so as to optimize the effectiveness of the governance of clan-based crime.

1. Foreword

2. Main Characteristics of Crime Cases under the Influence of Clan Culture

3. A historical examination of the relationship between clan culture and governance

4. Contemporary Adaptation of Clan Culture and Realization of Governance Functions

5. Conclusion
