최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

일본어 모어 화자를 대상으로 한 보조동사의교수ㆍ학습방법론연구

An Approach to Teaching and Learning Korean Auxiliary Verb ‘-a/eo beorida’ for Japanese L1 Learners

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This study aims at presenting an approach to teaching and learning Korean auxiliary verb ‘-a/eo beorida(-아/어 버리다)’ for Japanese L1 learners of Korean. I have scrutinized the functions of Korean auxiliary verb ‘-a/eo beorida(-아/어 버리다)’ and Japanese ‘-teshimau(-てしまう)1)’ in terms of Contrastive Analysis in order to provide a practical approach. Korean auxiliary verb ‘-a/eo beorida’ is differentiated from ‘-teshimau’ in that the honorific morpheme ‘-(eu)si’ is usually combined with auxiliary verb for one time, where its Japanese counterpart can have honorific morphemes with the both of verb and auxiliary. Secondly, Korean ‘-a/eo beorida’ and Japanese ‘-teshimau’ show different patterns of co-occurrence restrictions regarding the verbs which have semantic features such as [+Affective], [+Emotional], and [+Positive]. Thirdly, another co-occurrence restriction with the verbs of ‘possibility’ have been searched. Korean auxiliary verb ‘-a/eo beorida’ has been presented with the only brief description in the most Korean language textbooks which have been published in Japan. Therefore, this study contributes to providing a concrete teaching and learning approach that the learners could practice the grammatical item in a communicative context.

1. 서론

2. ‘-아/어 버리다’와 ‘-てしまう’의 선행 연구와 학습자 오류

3. ‘-아/어 버리다’에 대한 교수 학습 방법론

4. 결론

