최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국어 수업에 나타난 교사의 수정적 피드백과 학습자 반응 연구

Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in Korean Classroom

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This article presents a study of corrective feedback and learner uptake in two intermediate level Korean language classrooms. After presenting and outlining the corrective feedback types used by Korean teachers, it analyses student uptake in response to the different types of feedback. Lastly it investigates the relationships between feedback type and learner uptake. The two most popular feedback techniques used by Korean teachers are ‘explicit (grammatical) correction' (49%)' and ‘recasting' (22%). These two techniques are shown to rarely result in learner uptake (30%, 89% respectively), and they are least likely to give students the opportunity to ‘self-repair' with student repetition or to notice the teacher's utterance. More implicit feedback types such as ‘clarification request', ‘elicitation' or ‘repetition' are the most likely to lead to uptake thanks to learner's self-repair in most cases (See <table 6>). In particular, elicitation is proven to be the most successful technique for bringing about learner self-repair. This implies that teachers need to increase opportunities for learners to use their own resources to actively revise of their individual hypotheses about the Korean language.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 수정적 피드백

3. 연구 절차 및 방법

4. 교사 수정 피드백 유형

5. 교사 수정적 피드백 후 학습자 반응 유형

6. 교사 수정적 피드백 유형과 학습자 반응의 빈도수 및 분석

7. 맺음말

참고 문헌
