최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

Soldier" 외 군 관련 어휘의 용례에 관한 연구

“Soldier” and other Military-related Vocabularies in the English and the German Language-around Usage of English and German

Many terms relating to the military in English and German language are commonly assumed to have synonymous meanings. ‘Miliatry/ Miliary', ‘Soldier/Soldat', ‘Army/Armee', ‘Force/Streitkrfte' and ‘Troup/ Truppe' are just a few examples. In fact, those expressions are only in part synonymous and carry at least different connotations. Erroneous translations and problems in communications are the result of those misunderstanding. This article endeavours to clarify the usage of the most common and important terms of military English and German language. For that purpose, material in related encyclopedias, dictionarys, military magazines, and Internet sites has been analysed. Also interviews with German military officers and other native English speakers have been made by the author. For example, a word such as ‘soldier' has an equivilent meaning to ‘general soldier', ‘enlisted man' and scale of forces. A word such as ‘Army', which originated from Latin, also has various meanings such as military, army circles, and armed forces. The meaning of ‘military' can be flexible to different adjectives. For example, there are differences between military parade and military duty. The word ‘Force' originated from the Latinword fortia‘. ‘Force' also has various meanings such as troop and military. The word ‘troop' also has a variety of meaning like a group of soldiers and a specific company of soldiers. These days, some military words such as soldier, ‘military', ‘troop' and ‘corps' milieu. however, are used and communicated in society as well as military. These words are used most frequently in military affairs.

1. 들어가는 말

2. Soldier가 의미하는 군인

3. army와 military에 나타나는 군

4. Forces와 Troop, Corps의 의미

5. 나가는 말(공유된 의미와 차별된 의미)

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