효과적 의사소통중심 학습을 위한 코퍼스기반 서법조동사 의미 빈도분석
A corpus-based frequency analysis for meaning of modal verbs for effective communicative language teaching: Focusing on comparing written and spoken texts.
- 한국영어평가학회
- English Language Assessment
- Vol.18 No.2
- 2023.12
- 95 - 114 (20 pages)
This study examined the frequency of using the meaning of modal verbs by comparing spoken and written texts to promote more effective communication-based learning. EFL learners experience difficulties in grasping the proper meaning of modal verbs as they can be interpreted in diverse ways. Even though the learners have learned modal verbs in school, they still need help understanding the accurate meaning of them. For a more efficient comparison of the meaning of modal verbs between spoken and written texts, this study analyzed both classic children's literature and movies based on classic children's literature. The findings showed that modal verb ‘could’ is used for diverse meanings within spoken texts, however, it is mostly used to refer to ‘one’s ability’ in written texts. In both spoken and written texts, 'must' is mostly used to indicate higher possibility of something instead of obligation, whereas ‘should’ is used to refer to obligation. 'Would' is used to mean one’s willingness to do something. Moreover, many written texts appear to include more of past modals in forms of 'could/must/should/would + have + past participle' compared to spoken texts. The results suggest that the meaning of modal verbs should be taught in a manner where learners can effectively and clearly understand the usage and diverse meanings. Thus, this study implies that the teaching of proper usage of modal verbs in both spoken and written texts could eventually lead to successful communicative language learning.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언