AI 펭톡 연계 초등영어 수업과 평가의 설계와 적용에 관한 연구
A study on the design and implementation of AI Pengtalk integrated elementary English classes and assessment
- 한국영어평가학회
- English Language Assessment
- Vol.18 No.2
- 2023.12
- 185 - 212 (28 pages)
This study aims to incorporate spaced practice activities into an elementary English teaching model using AI Pengtalk, analyze its learning effects, and visualize learning experience data. For this purpose, a spaced practice using AI Pengtalk was conducted over five lessons with temporal intervals aimed at sixth-grade elementary students. Each lesson consisted of six periods, and during six periods, the spaced practice was conducted three times, with the intervals set at one day, three days, and eight days, progressively widening the temporal gaps from one day to four days for each session. The results show that positive effects were observed across all students regardless of their achievement levels, and it was particularly effective for students with lower achievement levels. It is also shown that data visualization using the AI Pengtalk’s assessment data can be effectively used for instructional guidance, such as determining the need for supplementary pronunciation teaching. Moreover, students positively perceived the learning facilitated by AI Pengtalk and acknowledged the usefulness of spaced practice. However, to obtain meaningful learning and assessment data, it is necessary to create optimized conditions that consider the environmental factors within the classroom to reduce the voice recognition errors of AI Pengtalk.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언