한반도 남부지방(진주)에서 콩 생태형에 따라 생육단계별 생육일수를 적산온도로 환산하여 한반도 북방지역 7개농업기후지대의 콩 생육예측을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 수양산 이남, 수양산 이북, 동해 남부, 중부 내륙, 북부내륙 지역들은 모든 생태형에서 정상적인 생육과 수확이 가능할 것으로 예측되었다. 2. 북부 고산지대는 모든 생태형에서 정상적인 생육이 불가능한 것으로 나타났고, 동해 북부지역은 조생종, 중생종은 정상적인 생육이 가능하지만 중만생종은 생육일수가부족한 것으로 나타났다. 3. 파종 한계기는 수양산 이남, 수양산 이북, 동해 남부 지역은 생태형에 따라 6월 6일~26일까지, 중부 내륙 6월2일~17일, 북부 내륙은 5월 24~6월 12일, 동해 북부는5월 16일~6월 7일경인 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나 북부고산지대는 9℃기준인 4월 30일 파종하여도 생육일수가부족한 것으로 나타났다.
This study was conducted to determine the sowing limit period and predict growth in the northern region based on accumulative temperature for each growth stage of soybean cultivated in the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula. First, the results of a demonstration test in the central region (Yeoncheon) of the Korean Peninsula were very similar to the predicted and actual values on the date by growth stage obtained through cultivation. This method was then applied to seven agricultural climatic zones in the northern Korean Peninsula. The results predicted that regardless of ecotype, soybean could be grown and harvested in the southern and northern parts of Mt. Suyang, south of the East Sea, and in the central and northern inland areas. However, it was predicted that no ecotype could be grown and harvested normally in the northern alpine region. Furthermore, north of the East Sea, the prediction indicated that early and mid-maturing cultivars could be grown and harvested normally, but middle-late maturing cultivars appeared to lack the number of growth days. The sowing limit period also varied depending on the ecotype, although it was reached earlier as higher latitudes were approached; the period ranged from May 16 to June 26 in the northern and southern parts of Mt. Suyang, north and south of the East Sea, and central and northern inland areas. Furthermore, all ecotypes of the northern alpine region, as well as mid-late maturing cultivars in the north of the East Sea, were predicted to be unable to grow normally owing to the lack of number of days required for soybean growth and development.
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