본 연구는 온탕침지법과 석회유황합제 처리가 유기농 조경밀, 금강밀, 새금강밀 및 백강밀 종자의 발아와 소독에미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 4종의 밀 품종은 소독 전 종자의 발아율이 평균 86.3±2.5~87.5±2.9%이었으나곰팡이와 세균에 의한 감염 정도는 각각 평균 22.5±2.9~ 38.3±2.5%, 18.8±4.8~23.8±2.5%로 나타났다. 4종의 밀 품종에 대한 온탕침지 조건에 따른 종자의 발아율은 무처리에 비해 동일하거나 높았으며 온탕침지 온도와 처리 시간이 증가할수록 곰팡이와 세균의 오염도가 감소하였다. 밀 종자에 대한 최적 온탕침지 조건 55℃에서10분간 처리하는 것이 무처리에 비해 발아율이 평균 90.0± 0.0~97.5±2.9%로 동일하거나 높았고 곰팡이와 세균의 소독효과는 각각 평균 83.3~93.5%와 100%로 높았다. 또한, 0.2%와 0.4% 석회유황합제의 처리시간에 따른 밀품종별 발아율과 곰팡이, 세균의 소독효과를 조사하였더니, 처리 시간의 경과에 따라 밀 품종 간에 발아율의 차이를 보이지 않았으나 무처리(86.3~87.5%)에 비해 발아율이 높았고 최적 처리 시간은 7분 또는 10분으로 곰팡이와 세균의오염도를 평균 90.0~96.0% 감소시켰다. 따라서 4종의 유기농 밀 종자 소독을 위해 적용한 온탕침지와 석회유황합제의 처리 조건에 따라 발아율과 소독효과의 차이는 있으나 55℃, 10분 온탕침지 처리를 하거나0.2% 또는 0.4% 석회유황합제를 10분간 처리하는 것이 무처리에 비해 발아율을 증진하고 종자에 오염된 곰팡이와세균의 밀도를 감소시켜 친환경적인 밀 종자 소독기술로농업현장에서 활용도가 높을 것으로 판단된다.
This study aimed to estimate optimal treatment for enhancing the germination rate and disinfections effect of organic wheat varieties, Jokyung, Geumgang, Saegumgang, and Baekgang using hot water treatment and lime sulfur mixture. Before disinfection, the germination rates of the seeds averaged 86.3±2.5% to 87.5±2.9%, while the infection levels caused by fungi and bacteria were observed to be 22.5±2.9% to 38.3±2.5% and 18.8±4.8% to 23.8±2.5%, respectively. The germination rates of four wheat varieties under hot water treatments were either the same or higher compared to untreated seeds. As the temperature and treatment time of hot water treatment increased, the contamination levels of fungi and bacteria decreased. The optimal hot water treatment for the seeds was observed at 55℃ for 10 minutes, resulting in germination rates averaging 90.0±0.0% to 97.5±2.9%, which were either the same or higher than untreated seeds. The disinfection effectiveness against fungi and bacteria was high, averaging 83.3~93.5% and 100%, respectively. Additionally, an investigation was conducted on the germination rates and microbial disinfection efficacy of 0.2% and 0.4% lime-sulfur mixture with varying treatment times, 3 to10 minutes for each wheat variety. As the treatment time elapsed, no significant differences in germination rates were observed among four wheat varieties. However, the germination rates were higher compared to the untreated group (86.3~87.5%), and the optimal treatment time was found to be 7 minutes or 10 minutes, resulting in an average reduction of 90.0~96.0% in contamination levels of fungi and bacteria. Therefore, the germination rates and disinfection effects varied depending on the treatment conditions of hot water treatment and lime-sulfur mixture applied for the disinfection of the four varieties of organic wheat seeds. However, it is considered that treating the seeds with hot water treatment at 55℃ for 10 minutes or with 0.2% or 0.4% lime-sulfur compound for 10 minutes enhances germination rates and reduces the contamination rate of fungi and bacteria compared to untreated seeds. Thus, these environmentally friendly seed disinfection technologies are likely to be highly useful in agricultural fields.
재료 및 방법
결 과
고 찰
적 요
사 사