Exploring Curriculum Ideology and Politics of “Patriotic Sentiments”: A Case Study of “Introduction to Three-Su Culture”
Exploring Curriculum Ideology and Politics of “Patriotic Sentiments”: A Case Study of “Introduction to Three-Su Culture”
- Journal of Social Science Development Research
- Vol.1 No.1
- 2023.12
- 27 - 37 (11 pages)
Curriculum Ideology and Politics, as a new educational concept, is a new requirement, measure, and direction for strengthening talent cultivation and ideological and political education in higher education in the new era. In recent years, Curriculum Ideology and Politics has been gradually implemented and implemented in higher education institutions, with “Patriotic Sentiments” being one of the key components of Curriculum Ideology and Politics in universities. “Introduction to Three-Su Culture” is a compulsory public course offered by Sichuan Technology and Business University. It has a limited number of class hours but covers a wide range of content and involves diverse student backgrounds. Therefore, when planning the course, teachers should incorporate ideological and political education throughout the curriculum. They should adhere to a student-centered approach and design various activities during and after class to inspire students' learning, aiming to enhance their cultural literacy.
1. Introduction
2. The Connotation and Contemporary Significance of Patriotic Sentiments
3. Teaching Exploration of “Patriotic Sentiments” in the Curriculum Ideology and Politics of “Introduction to Three-Su Culture”
4. Conclusion