최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Social Science Development Research Vol.1 No.1.jpg

Research on work practice of kindergarten parents under core literacy

Research on work practice of kindergarten parents under core literacy

Nowadays, with the rapid development of China's economy, preschool education closely follows the pace of new curriculum reform and pays attention to the role of parents' work. Teachers are required to actively explore effective forms of home-school cooperation and parental work strategies, constantly optimize preschool education, and promote the all-round development of children, who are full of curiosity about everything and have a lively personality. The homeroom teacher can design efficient and scientific parent work strategies according to the child's personality characteristics, improve the child's physical and mental quality, guide parents to consciously learn the method of educating their children, and realize the optimization and upgrading of preschool education.

1. Introduction

2. The importance of parents' work

3. Best practices for kindergarten parents from the perspective of teacher professional growth

4. Research conclusion

