This study explores machine translation courses offered at translation and interpretation education institutions both in Korea and overseas with the aim to propose a teaching model that utilize machine translation. With rapid advancement in technologies, machine translation is increasingly utilized as a means to increase translation throughput at a much faster speed and for a fraction of the cost than human translation. In not too distant future, machine translation is forecast to change how translation is carried out in the market. To keep abreast of technological skills in demand for translators, many translation schools started to include machine translation in the curriculum. Yet, there seem to be no agreement in what such machine translation courses should offer or what are the skills that need to be trained. In addition, this study offer the findings from a survey conducted with students in their experiences of studying machine translation. The result of the survey provides an overview of the expectations of students and implication of utilizing machine translation in teaching translation. The survey respondents agree machine translation is a tool to achieve an end and the focus of classes should be on training students to utilize and take maximum advantage of technology tools available to them.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기술의 활용과 번역 교육 모델
Ⅲ. 학부 수준 교육기관에서의 MT 활용 번역 수업
Ⅳ. 테크놀로지를 활용한 교육 모델