최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Business and Trade(JGBT) Vol. 19, No. 6.jpg

Analyzing Consumer Engagement in Electronic Waste Products Reverse Logistics: Extending the Planned Behavior Theory

Analyzing Consumer Engagement in Electronic Waste Products Reverse Logistics: Extending the Planned Behavior Theory

DOI : 10.20294/jgbt.2023.19.6.75
  • 35

Purpose - This study extends the theory of planned behavior from a consumer perspective to investigate consumer willingness and behavior in electronic waste products reverse logistics, along with the underlying influencing factors. Design/Methodology/Approach - Based on existing research, this paper has developed a model and hypotheses regarding consumer intentions to participate in electronic waste products reverse logistics and the influencing factors. Subsequently, this study conducted a survey of 355 Chinese consumers aged 20-50 years and used SmartPLS to analyze the relevant data for hypothesis validation. Findings - Results show that consumers’ green attitudes and green subjective norms have a positive impact on their willingness to participate in electronic waste products reverse logistics. And perceived behavioral control only exerts a positive influence on their participatory behavior. On the other hand, concerns about privacy breaches often hinder their willingness and behavior to participate. Moreover, the findings also indicate that consumers’ willingness to participate positively influences their actual participation behavior. Research Implications - This study predominantly examines the positive and negative subjective factors influencing consumers’ intentions and behaviors in participating in reverse logistics for electronic waste products. Based on the findings, we suggest fostering consumer awareness of electronic waste through various channels, including social media, and maintaining ongoing promotional campaigns to enhance environmental awareness and consumer engagement. Additionally, relevant firms should bolster consumer privacy protection, while the government should enhance regulatory oversight and introduce incentive policies to encourage businesses to increase investments in information security, thereby boosting consumer confidence in participation.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Literature Review

Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypotheses

Ⅳ. Research Method and Data Analysis

V. Discussion

VI. Conclusion

