This study explores the roles of three figures in American ecological research: Paul Bunyan, H. P. Lovecraft, and Richard Powers. Each represents a different aspect of nature's use, misuse, and responsibility. Paul Bunyan, a folk myth hero, symbolizes practicality, strength, stability, and growth, highlighted through the tree trunk. H.P. Lovecraft, known for his works in mania magazines like Black Mask, Amazing Story, and Fantasy & SF, portrays queer ecology through ecological disruption, focusing on tree roots as symbols of the unconscious. Richard Powers, through his novel The Overstory, reflects on ecological criticism. He specially emphasizes the leaves of trees, imprinting human consciousness and envisioning a future where nature and humans harmoniously coexist, underscoring the intersubjectivity of humans and non-humans. Trees, as a symbol of nature, reveal the consciousness, unconsciousness, and superconsciousness between these characters and their environment.
I. 서 론
II. 자연의 개간, 교란 그리고 감응
III. 결론