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KCI등재 학술저널

‘기계번역’ 관련 국내 번역학 연구동향 분석

An Analysis of Research Trends in Korean Translation Studies Related to ‘Machine Translation’

DOI : 10.55986/cell.2023.8.3.85
  • 129

This study focuses on the role and importance of machine translation in the digital transformation(DX) environment led by the artificial intelligence(AI) and examines the perspectives of translation researchers, focusing on the use of related terminology. The perspectives on ‘machine translation’(MT) from the research dataset(2014-2023) is categorized into seven types: user and object, detailed function, domain, translation quality, performance method, and purpose of use. The discussions in translation studies related to the perspective and status of MT terminology use can be comprehensively summarized as follows: 1) The status of MT and human translators; 2) Technological changes and innovative technologies in MT; 3) Coexistence of human and MT; 4) Hybridity and diversity in the use of terminology related to MT. The mixed use of different MT-related terminologies prevailing in translation academia reflects the rapid pace of changes in related technologies. Thus, it is necessary to keep options open to diversity rather than unity and consistency of terminology. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive overview and recognition of the topography of research, areas of interest, and the degree of focus of discussion on MT-related research in Translation Studies of Korea.

I. 들어가는 말

II. 기계번역 관련 전문용어 사용 현황

III. 기계번역 관련 전문용어 사용 관점 및 현황

IV. 기계번역 관련 번역학 연구의 시사점

V. 나가는 말

