최근 검색어 전체 삭제
韓日民族問題硏究 제45집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

일제강점기 북선(北鮮)에서 전개된 일본전통시가의 조사와 전망

A Study on Traditional Japanese poetry in the North Korea(北鮮): Focusing on Haiku(俳句)

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2023.45.5
  • 15

The purpose of this study is to restore a variety of views and voices of writers about Joseon, Manchuria, and Manchuria and Chosun(滿鮮) at the time by paying attention to traditional Japanese poetry in North Korea and Manchuria (currently three provinces in eastern China). Joseon’s the northern part of the area(北鮮) and Manchuria were recognized as barren land for traditional Japanese poetry, but traditional Japanese poetry was actively created so that Haiku society existed everywhere. In particular, the North Line is an area bordering Manchuria, and its connection to Manchuria can also be found in traditional Japanese poetry. The word of Manchuria and Chosun in the Japanese colonial era, and the image of the Japanese Archipelago, the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, and mainland China connected by a single rail network was nothing other than the ambition of imperial Japan, which dreamed of endless territorial expansion. In fact, Manchuria and Joseon were thought of as a single utopian space even in travel and inspection planes and poetry houses based on the “Manchuria and Chosun” experience. At the same time, however, it was possible to examine the gap between the word “Manchuria and Chosun” and the actual space through the border between Manchuria and Joseon and the Haiku representing it.

本研究は韓半島の北鮮と満州(現中国東部3省)で詠まれた日本伝統詩歌に 注目し、当時の北鮮·満州·満鮮に対する文人たちの視線と声を復元すること を目的とした。過去、東アジア各地で創作された日本伝統詩歌は2000年代に 入ってから「外地日本語文学」として活発に研究されてきた。しかし、北鮮·満 州·満鮮は研究の領域から疎外されていた地域で、今まで本格的な研究が行 われていないのである。朝鮮の北鮮、そして満州はいわば日本伝統詩歌の不 毛地と認識されてきたが、各地に俳句会が存在するなど日本伝統詩歌は活発 に創作されていた。特に北鮮は満州と接した地域で、満州との連結性が日本 伝統詩歌にも詠まれていた。日本による植民地時代「満鮮」という言葉、そして 日本列島と韓半島、満州、ひいては中国大陸が単一の鉄道網で連結されるイ メージの流通は果てしない領土拡張を夢見た帝国日本の野心に他ならなかっ た。実際「満鮮」体験を背景にした視察記、旅行記そして詩歌集でも満州と朝 鮮は単一のユートピア的空間として思惟されていた。しかし、それと同時に満州 と朝鮮の国境とこれを表象した俳句を通じて「満鮮」という言葉と実際の空間の間 の間隙を探ることができた。

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 북선(北鮮) 하이쿠회의 존재와 의의

Ⅲ. ‘만선(滿鮮)’ 관련 문헌 속 일본전통시가와 ‘만선’의 실체

Ⅳ. 맺음말
