최근 검색어 전체 삭제
韓日民族問題硏究 제45집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

전두환 대통령의 일본 공식 방문을 둘러싼 외교교섭

Diplomatic negotiations surrounding President Chun Doo Hwan’s official visit to Japan: Based on South Korean diplomatic documents

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2023.45.143
  • 46

This paper examines Korea-Japan relations around the time of President Chun Doo Hwan’s official visit to Japan, which was realized in September 1984, about 20 years after the two countries established diplomatic relations, based on Korean diplomatic documents. In the diplomatic negotiations between Korea and Japan over the agenda to be addressed at the summit or the joint statement to be announced as a result, the areas of interest and meaning given to both sides were different. On the economic front, Korea requested Japan to expand the Generalized System of Preferences(GSP), ease non-tariff barriers, dispatch an import promotion team to Korea, and transfer industrial technology to resolve the imbalance in trade with Japan, but Japan responded passively. There seemed to be little awareness that historical issues could have a negative impact on building a future-oriented relationship between the two countries. In particular, the legal status and treatment of the Korean residents in Japan, and the issues of confirming the legal status of third-generation Korean residents in Japan and younger and the abolition of fingerprinting for Koreans in Japan were only resolved in the early 1990s. President Chun Doo Hwan’s visit to Japan can be said to be the starting point for a new Korea-Japan relationship in that it improved the Japanese people’s image of South Korea and served as an opportunity to broaden the interest and exchanges between the two people of both countries toward each other. However, there were many challenges to overcome.

この論文は、韓日両国が国交を樹立して約20年経った1984年9月に実 現した全斗煥大統領の日本公式訪問を前後した時期の韓日関係を韓国 外交文書を手がかりに考察したものである。首脳会談で取り上げるア ジェンダや結果として発表する共同声明をめぐる韓日間の外交交渉過 程を見ると両側の関心分野や意味付与が異なっていたことがわかる。 経済面で韓国側は対日貿易不均衡の解消のために一般特恵関税(GSP) の拡大と非関税障壁の緩和、対韓輸入促進団の派遣、産業技術の移転 などを日本に要請したが、日本は消極的な対応で一貫した。歴史問題 が未来志向の両国関係の構築に悪影響を及ぼす可能性があるという意 識も弱かったように思われる。特に、「特殊な歴史的背景」がある在日 韓国人の法的地位や処遇問題は日本の強い抵抗に遭い、在日韓国人3歳 以下の法的地位確定問題や在日韓国人の指紋押捺の撤廃問題の解決は 1990年代初頭まで待たなければならなかった。 全斗煥大統領の日本訪問は韓国に対する日本国民のイメージを改善 し、相手に対する両国国民の関心と交流の幅を広げるきっかけになっ たという点では新しい韓日関係の出発点であったかもしれない。しか し、乗り越えなければならない課題は山積していた。

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 1980년대 초·중반의 한일관계: 한일 양국 정상의 상호방문

Ⅲ. 정상회담 의제를 둘러싼 한일의 동상이몽

Ⅳ. 정상회담 공동성명을 둘러싼 한일의 불협화음

Ⅴ. 맺음말: 전두환 대통령의 일본방문 이후의 과제
