최근 검색어 전체 삭제
韓日民族問題硏究 제45집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

김승수의 삶을 통해 본 일제강점기 한지의업면허제도(限地醫業免許制度)

The Limited Medical Practitioner License System during the Japanese Colonial Period Based on the Life of Seung-Soo Kim

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2023.45.187
  • 6

The key achievements of this study were to shed light on the actual activities of limited medical practitioners (限地醫), the operation of the limited medical practitioner license (限地醫業免許) system, and the historical significance of the limited medical practitioner license system based on the life of Seung-Soo Kim. The results showed that the limited medical practitioner licensing system became as important as the medical license system toward the end of the Japanese colonial period. The limited medical practitioner license system was initially implemented to address the shortage of medical practitioners while minimizing the risk for those who were ineligible for a formal medical license but had experience in practicing medicine. This was achieved by overhauling the medical license system, as was done in mainland Japan. However, it became the primary mode of medical provision in rural areas due to a shortage of medical doctors trained through medical schools and an increased concentration of medical doctors in urban areas. In other words, the limited medical practitioner license system progressively took on a more colonial tone toward the end of the Japanese occupation because it was useful to increase the supply of modern medical care to rural areas without building new medical institutions and to support areas of military and industrial importance, such as gold mines. Quantitative indices also reveal that the proportion of limited medical practitioners in healthcare provision increased toward the end of the Japanese colonial period. In terms of Koreans alone, they accounted for less than one-tenth of the total number of regular medical doctors by the 1920s, but they were consistently around one-fifth from 1931. Considering that the vast majority of limited medical practitioners were deployed in rural areas where Koreans mainly resided, it can be seen that, at least from the 1930s, modern medical care was provided not only institutionally but also practically through a dual structure (medical license and limited medical practitioner license). If colonial Korea and colonial Taiwan are compared and analyzed from the perspective of the limited medical practitioner license system, it will be possible to shed new light on the differences in colonial medicine implemented in the two colonies and the characteristics of Japanese colonial rule unconventionally.

本研究は、金昇洙(キム·スンス)の生活をもとに限地医の実際活動の 様子と限地医業免許制度の運用実態、そして限地医業免許制度の歴史 的意味を整理したことに主な意義がある。研究結果、日帝強制占領期 末になるほど、限地医業免許制度が医師免許制度と同じくらい重要な 制度になったという事実が分かってきた。つまり、限地医学免許制度 は、最初は日本本土のように医師免許制度を整備し、正式な医師免許 を交付するには曖昧な人を対象に、危険負担を減らしながらも不足し た医療供給を補うための方便として施行されたが、医学校を通じた正 規医師養成が十分でなく、医師たちの都市集中現象まで深化したた め、農村地域の医療供給のための主要な手段として位置づけられるこ とになった。言い換えれば、限地医業免許制度は日帝強占期末になる ほど植民地医学的な性格が濃くなる。医学教育機関を新たに作ったり する努力をしなくても農村地域に近代式医療供給を増やすことがで き、金鉱開発地域のように軍事·産業的に重要な地域を支援できる有 効な手段だったからだ。量的指標を見ても日帝強占期末になるほど医 療供給において限地医が占める比重が大きくなることが確認できる。 朝鮮人だけの場合、1920年代までは正規医師数の10分の1にもならない 規模だったが、1931年からは伸び続けて5分の1まで増えた。限地医の 大多数が朝鮮民衆が主に暮らす農村地域に配置されたという点まで考 慮すると、少なくとも1930年代からは制度的だけでなく実質的に近代 式医療供給が医師免許と医業免許という二重構造で進められたと言え る。今後、限地医業免許制度という枠で植民地朝鮮と台湾を比較·分 析してみることで、日帝の二つの植民地で具現された植民地医学の違 いはもちろん、日帝植民統治の特性を新たに照らしてみることができ るだろう。

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 한지의업면허제도에 대한 개괄

Ⅲ. 김승수의 삶을 통해 본 한지의업면허제도

Ⅳ. 맺음말
