Surgical repair of nasal septal perforation using temporalis fascia and homologous rib cartilage grafts: a case report
Surgical repair of nasal septal perforation using temporalis fascia and homologous rib cartilage grafts: a case report
- 대한미용의학회
- Journal of Cosmetic Medicine
- Vol.7, No.2
- 2023.12
- 77 - 80 (4 pages)
Nasal septal perforation, often encountered as a complication of rhinoplasty, presents a significant clinical challenge, particularly following procedures focused on nose lengthening or augmenting, such as septal extension surgeries. Herein, we present a case of septal perforation, which was successfully treated through a temporalis fascia graft combined with costal cartilage graft from a donor. We explored the etiology of nasal septal perforation and delved into various treatment options through this investigation involving a female patient who experienced persistent crusting and nasal obstruction following rhinoplasty. The surgical approach adopted for the case and the outcomes, and the nuances in managing septal perforation complexity are presented.
Case report
Conflicts of interest