최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Cosmetic Medicine Vol.7, No.2.jpg

New method to immediate reconstitute Sculptra to create a more homogenous mixture for immediate use in year 2023

New method to immediate reconstitute Sculptra to create a more homogenous mixture for immediate use in year 2023

DOI : 10.25056/JCM.2023.7.2.88
  • 10

Background: To create a sterile, non-pyrogenic solution, Sculptra must first be reconstituted with 5 ml sterile water for injection. This reconstitution process has evolved, has become the norm, and has been recommended for use across the globe since it was marketed to the public for aesthetic reasons. The granuloma formation problem of Sculptra Aesthetic is troublesome to some injectors. It can appear anywhere that you injected and is erratic. According to some patients, the inappropriate mixing of Sculptra microparticles with sterile water or the inability of the microparticles to fully dissolve into the solution are to blame for the development of granulomas. Objective: This article aimed to demonstrate a new reconstitution method (with images) for mixing Sculptra with normal saline. Methods: In the new reconstitution method, we attached a 21G sterile needle to a sterile, single-use 5 ml syringe. Thereafter, we withdrew 2.5 ml normal saline into the 5 ml syringe. The 21G sterile needle was then introduced into the stopper of the vial, and we slowly added all normal saline into the vial. The vial was shaken vigorously to ensure the full hydration of the content. After shaking, the physician could then add any volume of normal saline. Results: A homogenous mixture of Sculptra can be achieved using this new reconstitution method. The mixture is ready to use after the immediate reconstitution of Sculptra. Conclusion: This novel reconstitution technique for Sculptra will result in less unpleasant treatment and less foam wastage on the part of the physician.


Materials and methods



Conflicts of interest

