Recently, the number of people who raise animals and relieve loneliness is increasing. Following trends such as the increase in households raising pets and changes in social aware- ness of pets, the number of pet owners who want to understand and communicate with the characteristics of pets is increasing. However, compared to the steady growth rate of the pet in- dustry and the increasing number of households raising companion animals, it seems that there is a lack of research data on their characteristics and surveys. For this reason, this study aims to present considerations for pets by investigating and analyzing previous studies on dogs and cats so that they can lead a safe and comfortable life in the space where they live, and to pro- vide this as basic data for the development of products for pets. As for he research method will be conducted through prior research on books and publications, including books related to dogs and cats, and the current status of their domestic and international markets will be investigated through academic papers, conference presentations, and database searches using the Internet. After classifying internal and external factors affecting pets into biological, emotional, and social factors, factors derived from published academic research on companion animals were cross-al- located, and integrated to derive factors and contents for safety, empathy, accessibility, and convenience.
1. 서 론
2. 반려동물에 대한 이해
3. 반려동물의 공간 및 행동 특성
4. 반려동물용품 제안을 위한 고려사항
5. 결 론