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한국가구학회지 제34권 제4호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

시공간의 왜곡을 표현한 가구디자인 연구

A Study on Furniture Design Expressing Distortion of Space-time

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For a long time, humans have perceived time and space as separate concepts. Scientists in classical mechanics considered time to be absolute when calculating the speed of light. In the early 20th century, Einstein proposed a space-time concept that integrates time and space into one through the theory of relativity. The fact that time expands and space contracts for objects with mass was a concept that was difficult for humans to intuitively understand. With this theory, the way humans understand time, space, matter, and the theory of physics it- self changed. Minkowski's space-time is a mathematical model of space-time that well de- scribes Einstein's theory of relativity. In this space, three-dimensional space and one-dimen- sional time are combined to express four-dimensional space-time.

1. 서 론

2. 일반적 고찰

3. 참고 사례

4. 작품 전개

5. 결 론

사 사

