최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Management Review Vol.18 No.2.jpg

Knowledge Management Model for the Downstream Oil Energy Sector in the Philippines: A Grounded Theory Approach

Knowledge Management Model for the Downstream Oil Energy Sector in the Philippines: A Grounded Theory Approach

DOI : 10.55819/mrij.2023.18.1.4

Knowledge management can guide the management of an enterprise in running the business with a greater degree of efficiency while decreasing business risks. This dissertation presented a Knowledge Management model as a simplified image outlining the relationships of the devised theory using the grounded theory approach of qualitative research. Through semi-structured interviews done by carefully determining the current preferences of organizational leaders of four oil major companies operating in the downstream oil business in the Philippines, of the relevant knowledge processes backed up by presented documents, presentations, and policy manuals. The grounded theory inquiry developed a principle on modern Knowledge Management encompassing the specifics in the downstream oil sector in the Philippines. Theoretical saturation was achieved at ten participants. Thematic analysis generated patterns of modern knowledge. In the model, there were certain management prerequisites with several characteristics and for these characteristics to be effective, sources of knowledge were clearly identified. Once validated knowledge has been established and security of knowledge has been secured, utilization of the knowledge ensues. While using the knowledge, the model puts value on responsibility to work in collaboration with other knowledge managers. Collaboration means shared responsibility to ensure that the knowledge at hand will only be used in promoting common business goals. Predicaments like devaluation, mishandling, and manipulation of knowledge are always possible and extra caution should always be given. The model which can be replicated to other organizations with allied business structures will strengthen the resolve of a knowledge management system benefits by improving the business processes, making better decisions and short and long-term strategy formulation.







