최근 검색어 전체 삭제
인간식물환경학회지(JPPE) 제26권 제6호.jpg

Control of Sepal Color and Growth of 'Pink Ari', 'Morning Star', and 'Green Ari' Hydrangeas by Aluminum Sulfate Treatment

Control of Sepal Color and Growth of 'Pink Ari', 'Morning Star', and 'Green Ari' Hydrangeas by Aluminum Sulfate Treatment

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2023.26.6.675

Background and objective: This study was conducted to examine the change in sepal color and growth by treatment withaluminum sulfate of three Korean hydrangea cultivars, 'Pink Ari', 'Morning Star', and 'Green Ari'. Methods: The rooted cuttings of three hydrangea cultivars were planted in pots with 300 g of horticultural medium mixedwith 0, 3, 9, and 15 g of aluminum sulfate (AS). The shoot growth was measured by plant height, leaf length and width, stemdiameter, chlorophyll content, and mortality rate, and flowering characteristics were measured by the number, width, andheight of inflorescences and the color of sepals. Results: For the hydrangeas 'Pink Ari', 'Morning Star' and 'Green Ari', it was found that as the amount of aluminum sulfatemixed for the treatment was increased, the pH of the media reduced and became more acidic. Moreover, the higher theamount of AS mixed in, the shorter the plant height was, the more the growth of shoots was suppressed, and the higherthe mortality rate. In addition, the number and size of inflorescences under treatment with 9 and 15 g of AS decreased morethan those under treatment with 3 g. The sepal color showed a different reaction depending on the cultivars. The 'Pink Ari',which has deep pink sepals, remained deep pink when treated with 3 g of AS, but changed to light pink when treated with9 g or more. On the other hand, the 'Morning Star' and 'Green Ari', which have pink sepals, changed to blue and light blue,respectively, when treated with 9 g or more of AS. Conclusion: When treated with more than 9 g of AS, the plant height of 'Pink Ari' was shortened and its marketability wasgreatly reduced, and it was judged that it would be appropriate to grow it as a potted hydrangea with light pink sepals whentreated with 3 g of AS. The sepal color of 'Morning Star' changed to blue when treated with 9 g of AS, but it was found tobe unsuitable for cultivation for potting due to the short plant height and small number of inflorescences. Treatment with9 g of AS changed the sepal color of 'Green Ari' to light blue and light green, and it had plant height and number ofinflorescences suitable for pot cultivation.


Research Methods




