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KCI등재 학술저널

한국어 장형부정 형태소 ‘아니’의 통사적 고찰

Headness of the Long-Form Negative Marker Ani in Korean

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2023.120.51

The goal of this paper is to present evidence that the long-form negative marker ani in Korean functions as a head of the functional projection NegP. The evidence mainly comes from the following two facts. First, a negative polarity item(NPI) serves as a blocker for the focus marker in sentences of long-form negation, so any element preceding an NPI cannot be focused. Second, a subject-object asymmetry arises in NPI-licensing when an NPI is contained in coordinate structures of long-form negation, the fact of which can only be explained by assuming the headness of the negator ani.

1. 서론

2. ‘핵’의 특성

3. 장형부정 형태소 ‘아니’의 핵에 대한 증거

4. 맺음말

