This squib is to examine the *<ϕ,ϕ> Constraint that Yim (2023a,b,c) proposes to account for the -i drop phenomenon in Korean vocatives. The key factors of the Constraint is identity and adjacency of ϕ–features. A set of data is expanded to test whether Yim’s (2023a,b,c) *<ϕ,ϕ> Constraint comes into play in non-vocative constructions. Showing that the Constraint does not work for non-vocatives, the squib offers a pragmatic explanation for such inapplicability. Specifically, attributing morphological haplology to an accidental result, the asymmetry observed between vocatives and non-vocatives follows straightforwardly from the difference in the speaker’s intention.
1. 서론: 호격에서의 ‘-이’ 탈락
2. 호격 표지와 형태소 ‘-이’의 ϕ-자질 그리고 *<ϕ,ϕ> 제약
3. *<ϕ,ϕ> 제약의 비호격으로의 확장: ‘-님께서’