With the advent of AI translation, various educational methods using this have been proposed in the field of foreign language education. These studies have been mainly conducted in the field of foreign language education, and in recent years, related studies are increasing in the field of Korean language education. Therefore, in this study, we would like to discuss how and what content can be applied when conducting meaning education using AI translation in the field of Korean language education. To this end, it is necessary to examine the value of translation education as learning translation and Korean language education using machine translation. And based on the concept of equivalence, which should be focused on teaching using the educational content and the mechanism of translation to be dealt with in Korean meaning education, I would like to propose a method of Korean meaning education using AI translation.
1. 서론
2. 외국어 교육에서의 번역
3. 한국어 의미 교육을 위한 번역
4. AI 번역을 활용한 한국어 의미 교육 방법
5. 결론