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KCI등재 학술저널

A Study on the Perceptions of Elementary School Students and Teachers on English Speaking Education

A Study on the Perceptions of Elementary School Students and Teachers on English Speaking Education

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2023.120.107
  • 4

This research delves into the perceptions of students and teachers regarding English speaking educa- tion, and aims to illuminate the effectiveness and importance ascribed to English speaking instruction. Through surveys, viewpoints of 2,577 students and 3,259 teachers are investigated by providing insights into their experiences, opinions, and expectations concerning the develop- ment of the students English speaking skills. from 3,520 elementary schools. The participants were distributed across various grades and regions. The results showed a strong inclination among students to want to participate in a more variety of learning activities, with a strong preference for native English conversation programs, especially guided by a teacher. Teachers on the other hand, encounter challenges in executing activities effectively due to high student-to-teacher ratios and insufficient opportunities for English classes. Recommendations include self-directed learning resources, technological integration, and systematic after-school programs to optimize language proficiency for students and the need for continuous teacher training aligned with evolving curricula to assist teachers to maintain the changes needed in these classrooms.

1. Introduction

2. Background

3. Method

4. Results

5. General Discussion and Concluding Remarks

