최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

정도전의 민본사상과 역성혁명 동기로서 생애사와 비교 정치철학적 해석

A Comparative Interpretation of Life History and Political Philosophy as a Motive for the Minbon Idea and the Reversal Revolution of Jeong Do-jeon

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2023.16.2.1

This paper identifies the causes of Jeong Do-jeon's folk ideology called Minbon-sasang and reverse revolution theory, and discusses the nature of Confucian-style democracy established as a Korean national identity compared to Western representative democracy. To this end, the research examines the life history of Jeong Do-jeon to infer the formation process of the Minbon ideology and the theory of the reverse revolution, and compares it with Western modern social contract theory and later representative democracy. As a result, it was found that Jeong Do-jeon witnessed the tyranny of the the aristocratic forces of Goryeo called Gwonmunsejok, contrary to the joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure of the people during his nine-year exile and wandering life, and established the Minbon ideology. In addition, the form of governance of Joseon he designed was a Confucian democratic system in the form of a separation of powers that balanced the power of the monarch and his subjects, centered on the people's power. In addition, it is emphasized that the democratic governance structure aimed at promoting the happiness of the people could be strengthened by the theory of a reverse revolution that, unlike individualistic thinking in the West, could punish incompetent or unjust monarchs in the name of the national community. This study emphasizes that, in addition to Jeong Do-jeon's interest in political history, the idea of civil rights and the theory of the reverse revolution have been unique to our people for at least 500 years than the democratic system known to have been introduced by the U.S. military government.
