최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한·중 교류 현황과 전망 - 광주광역시를 중심으로

Current Status and Prospects of Korea-China Exchanges - With the focus of Gwangju Metropolitan City

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2023.16.2.263
  • 74

After diplomatic relations, Korea and China have achieved rapid results through rapid exchanges and fluctuations in various fields, but relations between the two countries have recently been at odds due to the impact of the U.S.-China hegemony conflict. This paper discussed the current status of exchanges so far and the basic direction of future developmental relationships, as well as the current status of exchanges with China and the direction of expanding exchanges to promote tourism consumption, focusing on Gwangju, 30 years after Korea-China diplomatic relations. The current status of Korea-China relations, diplomacy, people-to-people exchanges, and worsening emotions between the two countries and the direction of future improvement were described. Next, developmental policies and directions were presented through the current status about exchanges with China of Gwangju. In the rapidly changing international situation, attention should be paid to the changes in China that have been revealed since the end of the pandemic. Although overall exchanges between the two countries have stagnated due to the THAAD deployment and the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts should be made to advance the relationship between the two countries based on exchanges between local governments to create a brighter future and positive joint development in unstable relations between the two countries.
