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KCI등재 학술저널

秦簡文字에 나타난 同源字 考察

A Study on the Cognate Characters(同源字) in QinJian(秦簡)

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2023.16.2.287
  • 11

Cognate Characters can be defined as follows: any words having the same or similar meaning, and derived from a concept or a shape at the same time or in succession can be called Cognate Characters. However, what this article discussed is only limited to the successions of words. Due to many generations of hand writing of classics, many Cognate Characters lost their original shape and from Shuihudi(睡虎地) briefs, their differentiation can not only provide evidence for the study of Qin history, but also explore the real situation of the Warring States characters. For Chinese characters, many words carry the same sound as well as the same meaning, or the same sound and the same meaning. These words are normally derived from one source, such as 'wide' and ', 'firm' and 'tight', 'empty' and 'hole', 'wide' and 'wide', 'change' and 'more', the semantics are interlinked or the same words. The sounds are similar or interlinked so then they are called cognate words. For the sake of borrowed characters are not synonyms or words with similar meanings, and variant characters are two or several different ways of writing a character, that are the only the same characters, but not homologous, and Homology can be said to be a historical concept. In the process of the development of Chinese characters, there have been certainly numerous characters with the same meaning. And also there are also a lot of words that have both meanings and numbers. When the number and meaning are not related with on another, this word actually have representation of several different words, but they are just homonyms, and certainly they cannot be said to have the same origin. Cognate words are actually cognate words. The homology of different characters is equivalent to tracing the etymology. In terms of sound, it is necessary to search for ancient pronunciations based on the rhyme and rhyme categories of the above ancient sounds; in terms of meaning, it is necessary to use the meanings of words used in ancient speeches and ancient books as the basis; to distinguish which ones are of the same origin and which are not. It is very easy to have a study on cognate characters, and the three aspects of form, sound and meaning should be connected together to be discussed.
