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KCI등재 학술저널

국내 현대중국어문법서의 품사체계 수용 양상과 그 변화

A Study on the Acceptance of Participatory System in Modern Chinese Grammar Books in Korea and its Changes

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2023.16.2.307

The purpose of this article is to comprehensively analyze the part-of-speech system described in modern Chinese grammar books published domestically since the 1980s and study its acceptance patterns and changes. The reason why the scope of the study was limited to the 1980s and onwards is because the 'teaching grammar' for foreigners appeared around the Cultural Revolution (May 1966 - December 1976) and the part-of-speech system appears to have expanded. As a result, it was found that the ‘12 parts of speech’ classification system currently accepted in Korea began with “暫擬漢 語敎學語法系統” (1954). In addition, there are also 11 parts of speech and 13 parts of speech systems, but they are largely the same. It accepts both the dichotomous system of classification into actual affairs and false affairs on the first floor. It's just that the classification of the lower levels is different. In cases where adverbs or onomatopoeic verbs (or auxiliary verbs) are classified as silsa or shaman, it may be because the criteria for classifying silsa and shaman are not clear. There is a need for a discussion on this. Additionally, the term ‘pronoun’ is not appropriate in Chinese grammar. This is because a pronoun contains only words that replace a noun. However, this is not the case in Middle and Modern Chinese. Accordingly, it was proposed to unify the terminology as ‘DAICI[代 詞]’ or ‘DAITICI[代體詞]Daesa’.
