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KCI등재후보 학술저널

윤석열 정부 지방시대 계획과 교육발전특구 제도의 지역 정주형 인재육성 가치와 교육 문화과제

Value and Education-Cultural Dilemma of Human Resources Development for Local Residency in the Yoon Sukyeol Government's Local Era Plan and Special Education Development Zone System

DOI : 10.61131/cc.2023.4.2.25

Since the beginning of the 21st century, Korea has come up with many policies and used the budget to realize decentralization and balanced national development. However, as of 2023, the concentration of population in the metropolitan area and the hollowing out of the non-metropolitan area have resulted, and the Yoon Sukyeol government has established a comprehensive plan for the local era that integrates the two major policy concepts. This paper critically diagnoses the government's comprehensive plan for the local era and the special educational development zone system, emphasizing the timely value of fostering local resident-type talents, which is the main goal of the policy, and argues that the task of improving Korea's educational culture should be added. To this end, the background and meaning of the Yoon Suk Yeoln government's introduction of the 'First Comprehensive Plan for the Local Era' are examined, and the special education development zone system and the regional innovation university support system are compared. It points out the practice that has been disconnected from elementary and secondary schools, just as the academic administration and policies of local universities did not meet the actual demand of local industries due to the university ranking culture that has been overemphasized in the process. In the conclusion, it emphasizes the timely value of this system and presents it as a task that at the same time should include the education-cultural dilemma in the planning stage. This study is an attempt to combine cultural and historical perspectives with existing educational administration and policy considerations, and it is significant in illuminating the direction of national projects that are expected to invest a huge budget.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 제1차 지방시대 종합계획 도입의 배경과 의미

Ⅲ. 교육발전특구 제도와 지역혁신 대학지원 체계

Ⅳ. 결론

